Steve Young

Steve is an HCPC Registered Chartered Counselling Psychologist and BACP registered integrative therapist.

From Steve:

You may have a clear sense of what you're struggling with - you may not. Often the first part of therapy is working this out. If you have a diagnosis that is useful or meaningful to you (e.g., Bipolar, OCD, EUPD, etc.), then you may wish to bring this, but it is certainly not a requirement. Sometimes it's more useful to describe our difficulties in terms of what we struggle with, whether that’s giving a presentation without becoming paralysed by anxiety, forming satisfying intimate relationships, accepting a compliment, or finding meaning and purpose in life. Therapy is also about making sense, not just of what is causing you distress, but why - because it then becomes possible to do something about it. 

I have a breadth of experience working with a wide range of psychological difficulties in NHS Community Mental Health and Psychotherapy teams, as well as experience of working with cancer and bereavement as a psychologist in cancer care. Aside from my private practice I currently work in an NHS Community Mental Health Recovery Service, helping members of the community cope with, manage and overcome a variety of complex psychological difficulties, from anxiety and depression to the kind of problems associated with personality disorder diagnoses, psychotic experiences and complex trauma. Whatever the difficulty or distress though, my starting point is always the same: the unique, individual human who is in pain and needs help.

For more information please contact me via the button below or visit my website: