About Caya

Understanding humanity through community

Why ‘Caya’?

‘Caya’ is short for ‘Come as you are’; both a phrase that lies at the heart of psychotherapy and the title of a poignant Nirvana song.

The existential philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said that, ‘Becoming oneself is a movement one makes just where one is.’ In other words, before you can figure out who and how you want to be, you have to know where you are in your life first. This is often easier said than done because it involves confronting ourselves with an honesty that is scary and sometimes painful.

The lyrics of Nirvana’s ‘Come as You Are’ speak from this pain but Kurt Cobain delivers them with openness, vulnerability and acceptance of himself that points to how psychotherapy can help.

Psychotherapists help us to accept ourselves and be accepted by them just as we are, not as we’re told or we think we should be.

This hard won acceptance is at the heart of what Caya Therapy is about.

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Our Ethos

We established Caya Therapy to make psychotherapy more accessible to the London community and this is reflected in the setting of the practice. Print Village in Peckham is home to an eclectic mix of trades people, artists, artisans, charities and now a therapy practice. We support each other, collaborate together and celebrate our diversity. It is London at its inclusive best. We have made a sustainable practice that we hope will feel accessible to as many people as possible and exclusive to no-one.


All therapists at Caya are committed to making therapy as accessible and sustainable as possible in terms of fees. Every therapist either has a sliding scale according to means or holds a number of concession slots in their practice. Fees are set by each individual therapist but an average top rate is £75 for individual therapy, £100 for couples therapy and £120 for family therapy. Please do ask your therapist what their rates are on introduction and they will be transparent about them. If you cannot afford the top fee, do please let us know and we will do what we can to find a way to accommodate you within our means.